by Colleen Rowe | Jul 25, 2020 | be well - live well, daily living, energy, mental health, mood and emotions, Uncategorised
Spoiler alert: You don’t need to learn the latest remedies, nor change who you are or how you think. This article was originally published in ThriveGlobal on July 23, 2020: What if...
by Colleen Rowe | May 28, 2017 | be well - live well, daily living, energy, mental health, mood and emotions
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Vivian Greene Rain as a metaphor for life’s experiences and challenges Imagine rain as a metaphor for life’s experiences and challenges....
by Colleen Rowe | May 21, 2017 | be well - live well, daily living, energy, mental health, mood and emotions
Why is it that on some days you can bounce out of bed looking forward to the day ahead but on other days, despite sleeping well, it is so hard to get up? Why are there some things that, despite your best intentions, just don’t get done? Can you consistently do things...
by Colleen Rowe | May 14, 2017 | be well - live well, body and brain, daily living, energy, mental health, mood and emotions
During your daily activities, what determines whether you achieve the result you want? What are the factors that establish whether you get pleasure from doing a particular task, and whether you are satisfied with the outcome? When you wake up do you look forward to...